We’ve all been there.
Thinking, “I’ll just quickly...” check LinkedIn / my phone / social media / Emails. Or sometimes when a colleague asks a "quick" question.
We expect to jump back into our task with full concentration.
But the reality is the distraction takes up much longer than we initially expect and regaining focus takes a lot more time and effort.
For neurodivergent individuals it can be even more challenging.
Each distraction can mean not just a slow return to the initial task but a whole afternoon spent following the thought process initiated by the distraction. With our original task completely abandoned or forgotten.
An adjustment in the work place to help combat this could be to request no interruptions when wearing headphones.
This could be a visual signal to those around you that you are in deep work mode and you are working on a task requiring intense focus and attention to detail.
By supporting individual needs we create a more supportive and inclusive workplace for everyone.
Want to discuss coaching? Book a free intro call www.sjhardy.com/bookings

Visual by Visual Growth,